Tracing (Her)story Of The Samsui Women

Tracing (Her)story Of The Samsui Women

πŸŽ‰ For a special occasion? Include custom end-game text when setting up the game

πŸ‘‡Β  Select team size below
Regular price$29.90


πŸ•’Β  Average duration 2hrs not including scheduled breaks (you can choose not to take a break)

▢️  Start your game anytime from morning to night, 7 days a week! (see description for exact times)

Once payment is completed, you will receive an email to set up your game.

Click the link and tell Void Deck Cat your phone number (or the team captain's), and she will send you your tickets over WhatsApp.

Early mornings, rooster weddings and sheer determination that is awe-inducing

Do they smoke? Do they get married? What were they like? Trace the footsteps of the Samsui women and discover the (her)story of those that helped build the Singapore that we know today. Pauline Fun, who is a Samsui descendant, will weave her own family story into the larger social history of these celebrated figures. Embark on an award-winning adventure game around Chinatown, led by the enigmatic Void Deck Cat. She will be your guide through its streets and alleyways -- if you can solve her cryptic clues. Discover hidden gems, unlock happy surprises at local businesses, and unveil the secret stories of these amazing women.

This game starts at Clarke Quay MRT Concourse Level. Start the game from 9am to 6pm, 7 days a week.Β 

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